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Don't Get Bit This Summer!

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

It's that time of year again! With all the outdoor events and gatherings, mosquitoes have been out and about looking for a feast. But before you can become a mosquito's next meal, here's some prevention techniques you can take as a precaution to avoid getting a nasty bite.

  • Wear long clothes: Mosquitoes generally are unable to bite through clothes, so the more coverage the better.

  • Use mosquito repellent: Using a mosquito repellent spray before going outside is an excellent way to prevent bites.

  • Stay. inside during evening hours: Mosquitoes are most active at night, so staying inside is a simple way to avoid them.

  • Drain any standing water: Mosquitoes rely on still bodies of water to lay eggs.

While mosquitoes are generally just an annoyance, they can also carry diseases, such as the West Nile Virus which is commonly found in the United States. By taking these simple avoidance steps, you can protect yourself and your family from becoming a mosquito's next snack.

Check out our mosquito and bug repelling bracelet below!

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